Homesickness comes unexpected, after an evening of arranging the terrible furniture, organizing the kitchen, and flattening the cardboard boxes we all dumped by the back door. My parents have visited my sister this weekend - we're so scattered now - and I want them here. I'm so much more a child than some of my fellow kibbutznikim (with good reason - I'm also almost a decade younger than some of them), so quietly wanting my parents to come, appraise, approve. Yes, this is a beautiful life you're building, Dandoolina. Even with terrible furniture.
Anne Lamott wrote that in the aftermath of her father's death, every one of her accomplishments now feels like performing some spectacular, perfect gymnastic routine to an empty auditorium. Suddenly, looking at the pictures they've sent from Chicago - my mother, thick and radiant, some maternal hunger momentarily sated, my father, grayer, looking exhausted, his smile lines deeper and somehow more fittingly handsome than my memory's picture of him - I feel their absence like a missed meal. Hungry, craving them, craving the words I only want from them. Oh, yes, Daneydoo. What a beautiful life you're building.
When I say these things to myself, the words ring more hollow than a single pair of hands in an empty auditorium. I think this, more than anything else, is what makes me still a child.
WE and I really miss you and love you to. Homesick for the talks, the commentary and the energy...
from the reading and the phone,
Sounds like you are building a beautiful life! :-)
If I could only reach that far for a hug
Missing u to,
You are doing an amazing job at building a beautiful life - we are continually proud and happy for you, even as we miss having you close and being able to hug for real! I promise to come out "soon", but in light of all that's STILL and NEWLY going on, not sure when.
Love, hugs, kisses dandoo,
I love this post. I have been following your blog for a while (since you added me to the smith lgbt... list). It's wonderful, but I resonated most with this post. It's hard being between child and grown-up. Seeking approval though, is something that I think does not change.
Jen Jennings (smith jew)
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