
Salt Lake City 2, or The Paintings On The Walls

I had a gig last night in a small art gallery that was part of a coffee shop. It was an excellent space for performance, because Ruby Chacon's art was all over the walls. Her paintings are bold, colorful, full of people who aren't much represented in recent art history - Mexicans, Chican@s, Latin@s, working folks. The paintings lent a warmth to the room that made it feel simultaneously cozy and powerful. The poets were incredibly kind, too - I like performing for open mic audiences better than slams, I think, because they're less judgmental.

Now it's off to find the print shop. I need to do another run of books!


Techie Tranny said...

wow, another round of books! How many have you sold/given away so far?

Dane said...

about 75 books, although I've probably sold maybe 25 of them. I need to work on that whole notion of "my poetry is not worthless and can be sold" idea.

Sara said...

stop being a giver then :)

Sometimes Davey Wins said...
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