Ryan Sorba

There's been a great divide among Smithies as to the appropriate response. There's been a huge movement to ignore it, and to let him preach to "an empty room." Perhaps not as strong has been the advocacy of a real protest. The debate has been interesting and thoughtful, but I believe that ignoring hate speech is one of the fastest ways to let it spread.
(Incidentally, every time there is a neo-Nazi rally somewhere in the US, the Anti-Defamation League, and many independent synagogues make statements to the same effect: don't fuel their fire by protesting. I believe this head-in-the-sand attitude made it possible for the Nazis to rise in Germany, the Communists to seize power in Eastern Europe, and George Bush to be elected president.)
I'll be there tomorrow, in Neilson Library at 7:00 to grab seats. I'll be in some kind of glittery, sparkly drag for confidence and giggles. I'm also participating in one of the many protest plans - at the first offensive thing I hear, I'm turning my chair around and sitting with my back to him for the rest of the talk.
Maybe this is more about personal satisfaction than political change, but I can't let my absence or my silence be interpreted as laziness or apathy. Therefore, the only thing to do is go, and let my presence speak for itself.
This is exactly how the homosexual movement views free speech and civil rights in their march to and force their social and sexual agenda on others and intimidate and terrorize anyone who would criticize or disagree.
Man shall not condone evil or rationalize sin. Homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God and man! The Creator condemns those who do not repent of this sin." Our Lady, August 5, 1977
"And the great issue now of homosexuality in your country, that shall be on the balance that Michael holds. Unless this balance is evened by removing this evil from your country and bringing in just laws to prevent the spread of homosexuality, you cannot be saved; your country cannot be saved. Because I repeat again, as I have repeated in the past: When a country has given itself over to immorality and all pleasures of the flesh, and abominations of the flesh, then that country will fall! If you do not believe Me, My children, I say: You will read your history books, and you will find out that there was a Sodom and Gomorrah. And what did We do to that abominable city, Sodom? We destroyed it! And what did We do to Gomorrah? We destroyed it! And We destroyed all who did not follow the plan for their redemption." Jesus, November 1, 1985
"Homosexuality shall always be condemned, because it is against the nature of man; and it is a violation of all human morality, and shall not be tolerated by the Eternal Father in the Trinity." - Our Lady of the Roses, October 5, 1985
Your second quote is attributed to "Jesus, November 1, 1985." I may be a Jew, but I don't think the news of the second coming would've escaped me. Unless you're just quoting some guy who was calling himself Jesus...?
Your other quotes are from "Our Lady, and Our Lady of the Roses." Which lady? Who is she? Why does she get to be the expert?
For that matter, why are any of these sources experts on the nature of evil, or on the nature of homosexuality?
Finally, I refer to your (or Jesus's) reference to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham was able to negotiate with G-d - a first for humans! Imagine, negotiating for the lives of the innocent with a god bent on destruction! Abraham's negotiations can be interpreted as as irrationality on G-d's part; it was up to Abraham to talk sense into the angry G-d. And what did G-d do? G-d almost listened to Abraham. Had G-d taken the time to search harder, G-d might not have destroyed the cities at all. It's a problematic passage, to be sure.
Not to mention that immediately after it, in Genesis 19, Lot commits incest with his two daughters, who go on to give birth to the fathers of two movements: the Ammonites and the Moabites. That's pretty problematic too, nu?
...from reading the site this person is associated with (I will not link it in the interest of not giving them more traffic, but a Google search will find it quickly), this person appears to be spreading someone's teachings of divine inspiration.
All I have to say is, you're not going to convert people to your cause by spouting hate at them. All I see from you is hate. Do you really think that's what Jesus is trying to teach you? I'm no Christian either, but I think I've read enough of the Bible to know that what you're teaching is not Christianity--it's nothing more than "you're wrong, I'm right." Regardless, we disagree with your teachings and have no need or desire to follow them. We have our own religion, thank you very much.
By the way, I have yet to see any scholarly research demonstrating a link between the presence of homosexuality and countries "falling". But if you can produce any that doesn't require religious faith to understand...
In my humble view as a scholar and a scientist, I agree with dane and grenadier32 and fail to see any logical arguements or cohesiveness in the first listed comment.
As someone who has also studied a variety of religions, a truely religious person spreads the message of peace, understanding and open mindedness; not irrational fear and hatred.
- tamgelb
So let me get this straight. You say because I am a Christian and quoted God's Word from the Bible here? And because I do not agree with the actions of the lesbians at Smith College that I am spreading irritational fear or hate by speaking up?
So anybody who dares to speak up against homosexuality and how acting on homosexuality is a sin is spreading the message of fear or hate according to you? I don't think so! I strongly disagree with you! Here's why:
God and His Bible are my authority and I live my life according to The Bible and His commandments. Me, my family, our friends, neighbors, anybody who disagrees with the homosexual movement and them trying to force their social and sexual agenda on others especially our children in the schools - we have a right to disagree with you and speak out! We will continue to do so. We will not be intimidated or terrorized by you by doing so either.
God loves everyone including the homosexuals, BUT He doesn't love sin. It is not a sin to be a homosexual, BUT it is a sin according to God to act on your homosexuality. We don't want our children to get the wrong message that the homosexual lifestyle is okay and we just have to smile and accept it because we don't. And we won't.
My question is - do any of you homosexuals believe in God? Or do you refuse to believe there is a God in order to deny that living a homosexual/lesbian lifestyle is a sin? And unless you repent for this sin, you could suffer the eternal fire of hell when you die?
And yes, it's true that living a homosexual/lesbian lifestyle and giving in to it is sinful and displeasing to God.
"For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error." - Romans 1:26-27
Homosexuality is a sin that condemns to hell! Lesbianism means eternal damnation and banishment! Bestiality is the most foul and heinous of crimes in the eyes of the Eternal Father. There shall be no scientific excuse given! For each and everyone of you in mankind's reign shall stand before the Eternal Father to be judged when you die upon earth, when you leave your body. And what excuse will you give to Him if you do not repent now of your sin? Do penance! His Heart is all forgiving if you will do penance!" Our Lady of the Roses, August 4, 1979
When a priest tells you that you do not have to speak up, out against homosexuality, because you are judging another person, and you should love your neighbor and therefore never set him up to be judged, you are not judging. If a person is doing wrong, and you tell him in a kind manner, a charitable manner, that they are committing a sin, and that they will lose their soul and go to purgatory, or even hell, that is not judging. You are helping and loving your neighbor. What is love?" Our Lady of the Roses, June 18, 1982
"Homosexuality shall never be accepted. In the writings of the good Fathers, My child and My children, you were made fully aware in the Old and the New Testament of the Book of life and love, the Bible--you had been made full aware of the dastardly acts of mankind, as men consort with men. This shall not be accepted nor condoned by the Eternal Father even if He has to send another plague upon you." Jesus, August 21, 1985
About the coming chastisement from God due to the sins of abortion and homosexuality.
You need to stop posting quotes right now. This is not a blog post about abortion, and I am not interested in what hate-preaching evangelists have to say about homosexuality.
Besides, *my* G-d doesn't have a hell. There's azazel, but that doesn't really count. I think my G-d threw out Hell in the last great theological yard sale, sometime around the Babylonian exile.
Of course you're not interested in what I have to say, the scripture I gave you (which come from the Bible itself by the way - from God Himself), or that there is a Hell because you want to continue to deny there really is a God who gave us all Commandments to follow and continue to try to justify living a homosexual lifestyle.
I'm NOT surprised. How convenient for you that you deny there is a Hell! Well, I'm here to tell you that there really is a Hell and when our time on earth is over we will all have to answer to God. He is not pleased with those choosing to live in a lesbian or homosexual lifestyle.
"For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error." - Romans 1:26-27
God loves the sinner, but NOT the sin. It is NOT a sin to be a lesbian or homosexual, BUT it is a sin to give in to living a lesbian or homosexual lifestyle.
Hi Dane, sorry I'm late - I was away. How did the protesting go?
And who's the nutjob?
Hi Max - welcome back. The "nutjob" found my blog, probably in a google search on "Ryan Sorba At Smith College" or some other tomfoolery. Feel free to respond to him, or not. As for details of the protest, check out Davey's account - it's more accurate and thorough than anything I could write:
Sometimes Davey Wins
to anonymous/mt:
wow. you sure know a lot about what you perceive religion to be. that's very admirable, and the fact that you beleive in it wholeheartedly is also admirable.
this does not mean that i, or anyone else reading this blog, wants to read your views over and over and over again. we read this blog to see dane's views. I understand that you're responding to her posts, but enough is enough. quit masturbating on her comments page, because you've made your point. you disagree with her because of your religion. great. fantastic.
we. get. it. now either write something else or go home. it's kinda ridiculous at this point.
What really saddens me, Liora, is that mt/anonymous really DOESN'T know anything about the Bible, and takes a couple passages out of context to try to make a point about the current, 21st century state of homosexuality. It's misleading, and in my mind, perfectly blasphemous, because it treats the Bible as a god rather than an imperfect, though important, way of learning about God.
If anyone is interested in a well-educated response to some of the points brought up by mt, I recommend checking out:
In peace,
Karen, a devout, Baptist lesbian
Karen, thank you! Your site is excellent. I really appreciate the way you delve into the Hebrew for its original meanings.
How on earth did you find this blog?
Just want to throw some stuff out there. Take it or leave it as you wish...I am sorry to burst anybodies bubble but...The Bible that we read today is not the original word of God. Ever notice how it says the King James version, or any other "version" for that matter, is a translation and interpretation mixed together. Scholars of the late 1500s and early 1600s were hired by King James the Second of England to write the Bible which would be the only official Bible in England because his power was being challenged by the Pope, and the translation was meant to be a work of artisic literary prose. Nevertheless the ideals of the Bible are what we should be looking at not the exact words, remember those are an artistic interpretation pushed forward by a power hungry king. The ideals of the Jesus sacrificing for something greater than himself, and about having faith in something you believe in, even if you can't explain why. I understand this is a touchy subject, but please from both sides, try not to attack nay paticular person...and I am sorry if my comments ever did that. I know that we can all be tactfull if we choose to be.
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