
Seattle 89.5 - Relevant Stuff that I Did Not Write

All by Themselves

As the Ravenna Kibbutz parts ways with Moishe House, the neighborhood cooperative looks to the future

By Leyna Krow

The Ravenna Kibbutz benefit party, featuring dancing, food, and cocktails, will take place at 8 p.m., Sat., Jan. 30 at Ravenna Kibbutz House Gimmel, 6211 23rd Ave. NE, Seattle.

On the evening of Dec. 26, 15 Ravenna Kibbutz residents and regulars gathered in the living room of House Aleph to reflect on the impact the Moishe House organization, which has helped to fund the Ravenna Kibbutz since it first opened in 2007, has had on their home lives, social lives, and Jewish lives.

“I really had a hard time connecting to Judaism before I moved to Seattle. This is the first time I’m been able to find a community that I relate to,” said Mai Li Pittard after recounting the first time she attended a Moishe House-sponsored event at the Kibbutz.

This was not just idle nostalgia, but rather, a eulogy of sorts. As of the beginning of January, the Ravenna Kibbutz is no longer an affiliate of Moishe House.

Moishe House has provided both essential funds as well as programming direction and support to the Kibbutz for the last two years. Parting ways with the Oakland, Calif.-based organization will mark a major sea change for the Kibbutz...

See the rest of the article article here, on Jew-ish dot com.

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