
Tucson 2, or Oasis

They tell me there's not much to see in Tucson in August if I want to avoid heatstroke and other desert malaises, so we stay inside, write poems, watch Firefly and cook. This sweet house of souls that smell like garlic and kindness, they're generous with their hands and their space. I haven't been this cuddled since I left Massachusetts, and I revel in it like a puppy.

The poetry night was the best I've been to yet. Eighty people relaxing comfortably in a long, wide coffee shop and offering lots of smiles as I took the stage in my pajamas, in my crazy just-brushed hair. The set completely flew by, moving smoothly from G-d, to love to Jewishness. I performed "Swastika" and dedicated it to the poet who drove me down from Phoenix. We had spent a good chunk of the hour and a half ride talking about trauma and being grand/children of the war. The poet who won the slam that night, a goy, told me he'd never felt that punched by the Holocaust before, never felt it so harsh in his gut. I thanked him. I'm never sure what to say to the ones I've wounded. It's as though I've punched their teeth in, and they're thanking me as they spit out the blood.

I wish I was staying here longer, but heading north is tempting. The mountains here look like toads, dried and bumpy and brown-green. My skin is hungry for moss and evergreens. My hair, on the other hand, loves it here and promises me that it would never go frizzy again if we stay.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you do sound happy. I guess that's why no calls? Anyway, keep on soaking it in and do try to see the view from Mt Lemmon!
Glad to hear the feature went well, pjs and all!

Anonymous said...

How was it to see Andrew is different surroundings and meet his friends?
Will they invite you back to again to the Slam to?

Glad to hear its all warm and cozey :-)

Dane said...

Oh yeah, they've pretty much given me an open invite to come back whenever I want. Andrew and his friends looked pretty awkward (there was plenty of seating, but they all stood against the wall in the back), but they were total troopers, and I was so glad to see them there.