
Massachusetts 11, or She Lives! And Writes Short Poems!

After the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, November 4, 1995

"[The Israeli children are mourning publicly, because] they feel that he was their hope that they wouldn't have to fight in the army when they grow up”
~ Rabin's grandson Yonatan Ben-Artzi Philosof

It then occurred to me
that I had not yet taught my child
to pray,

as though the grace of God’s ear
was extended towards
children’s open mouths
for the moment of their
wordless years,
would bring them
to bargain, or beg
for faith in something


Anonymous said...

Hi D,
Good to see you live and write short poems as good as this one. As always, makes me stop and think and wonder.
Thank you,

Sometimes Davey Wins said...

I must be confused ... Are you telling us you wrote that poem when you were 8?