
Massachusetts 3, or Further Upcoming Travels

Last night, while sitting on Town Patrol (a formidable duty that involves sitting guard at the ice-cream shop, waiting for students to approach me with questions about directions, scheduling, or medical emergencies), two good friends of mine swung in for a visit. I was so happy to see them - it felt like something out of a Archie comic, the three of us crammed into the ice cream shop booth with our various confections. Only I'm quite sure that none of Archie's friends ever had dreadlocks. Or more than one piercing. Or were Jewish.

In any case, it was at that booth that Mikey invited me to come with her to the National Poetry Slam in Austin, Texas this August.

I have never been to Texas for any longer than it takes to change flights, and certainly not in the middle of August. But her invitation sparked something really bright in me - the chance to be surrounded by poets for a week, competing and reading and reveling in the camaraderie. When I couldn't find any scheduling conflicts, or serious reasons why I shouldn't go, I started shaking. There's a good chance - an excellent chance - that I will really go.

I can't wait. Now, who knows of a good website from which to get cheap tickets from Hartford to Austin?

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